APPELEZ-NOUS :  819-843-2728
Ouvert du lundi au vendredi de  8h à 18h  7/7
We have a great contest on our Facebook page. This summer, you could win a boat rental for a period of 4 hours on Memphremagog Lake. Draw worth up to $ 525.

Take the opportunity to do a family or friends activity.

How to participate
Click “Like” on Facebook page of the marina Le Merry Club
Click “Like” on publication of the boat rental contest

Date of the draw 
The draw will take place on 1 July, 2016 to 15 h at the marina. The winner will be announced on our Facebook page. The person will have one week to claim the prize, otherwise we will make a second draw.

Many conditions apply
To be eligible to win, you must be 23 years old and more.

Boat rental
The deadline to use the rental is 15 September, 2016. Rental is exclusively on Lake Memphremagog. Taxes, gasoline and water sport equipment are in extra, non-redeemable, non-exchangeable and non-transferable.

dans Voyager
MAI 2023
Nous avons bien entamé la mise à l’eau des voiliers. Juste à temps pour le beau temps et la belle longue fin de semaine qui arrive… Profitez-en bien !!!